Русский язык для иностранцев (2)

Streetwise Russian (Russian for Foreigners)

Russian for Foreigners, Streetwise Russian

Streetwise Russian 60-minute MP3 disk features 20 dialogues
Jack Franke, PH.D.
McGraw-Hil, 2010

Languages: English, Russian

The Practical Guide to Contemporary Slang and Colloquial Expressions in Today's Russia. The accompanying audio recordings include 20 dialogues performed by native speakers that bring the language of the streets alive and make remembering new vocabulary easy.

Format: PDF + MP3 (zipped)
Size: 89.1 MB

Streetwise Russian |

Russian For Dummies

Authors: Andrew Kaufman, Serafima Gettys, Nina Wieda
Published: 2006
Language: English
Introductory course for readers who need basic Russian for business, school, or travel.
Your fun and friendly guide to communicating in Russian.
Whether you're a student, a traveler, or a businessperson, or if you just want to speak basic Russian, you'll find this book packed with practical lessons and handy references — including coverage of written Russian, a Russian-English mini-dictionary, lists of vital verbs, and more!

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Russian For Dummies

Russian Phrases for Dummies

Authors: Andrew Kaufman, Serafima Gettys, Nina Wieda
The best thing about Russian Phrases For Dummies is that you don’t have to read all the way through it to get the information you need. You can open the table of contents, find the section that interests you at the moment, and start talking! You don’t have to read the previous chapters to understand any of the sections of this book.
Another thing you don’t need to do is memorize long vocabulary lists or grammar rules. We give you readymade phrases; you just need to read them and start using them right away to impress your Russian friends!

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Size: 1.76 MB

Russian Phrases for Dummies |

A Short Russian Reference Grammar

A Short Russian Reference Grammar: with a chapter on pronunciation
Author: I.M. Pulkina
Edited by Prof. P.S. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Philology,
(translated from the Russian by V.N. Korotky)

The present book aims at giving a systematic exposition of Russian morphology, pronunciation and spelling for foreign students learning Russian without a teacher and for teachers of Russian.

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Russian For Foreigners

Книга 1:
Русский язык для начинающих: Учебник (для говорящих на английском языке). Книга 1. / Russian for Beginners
Ю.Г. Овсиенко / Y.G. Ovsienko
Изд-во: М.: Русский язык, Курсы, Москва, 2008 (472 стр.)
Учебник адресован взрослой аудитории и предназначен для всех, кто начинает учить русский язык. Он может быть использован как в работе с преподавателем, так и для самостоятельных занятий. Компактный, но информативный учебник содержит основные сведения о фонетических и грамматических законах русского языка, краткие сведения о речевом этикете, картинный словарь, обощающие грамматические таблицы, ключи к упражнениям.
Текстовый материал учебника знакомит учащихся с ультурой и историей России, способствует развитию диалогической и монологической речи.
Подбор и организация учебного материала, его коммуникативная направленность служат основной цели: практическому овладению языком как средством общения.

Книга 2.
Русский язык: Учебник. Книга 2. Средний этап обучения.
Изд-во: М.: Русский язык, Курсы, Москва, 2008 (248 стр.)
Книга является продолжением учебника "Русский язык" того же автора.

Две книги в одном архиве.

Формат: PDF (zip)
Размер: 23.21 MB

Russian For Foreigners |

Essentials of Russian

Essentials of Russian: Reading - Conversation - Grammar
Prentice Hall, INC. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.

"This text is designed for classroom and individual instruction but can also be used for self-teaching. Emphasis is placed throughout on conversation and reading. At the same time a concise and systematic analysis of the Essentials of Russian Grammar has been provided, in order to solidify and to lend permanence to the results achieved by the direct approach.
The book is divided into thirty lessons preceded by two introductory lessons that contain a brief analysis of the russian sound system. Each lesson is subdivided into seven interrelated parts: 1. Common Expressions and Idioms; II. Reading Exercise; III. Vocabulary; IV. Questions; VI. Grammar Exercise; VII. Translation into Russian.

12.84 MB

Essentials of Russian

A Concise Grammar of the Russian Language

Author: Leonard A. Magnus
Publisher: J. Murray
Publication date: 1916

A Concise Grammar of the Russian Language was written by Leonard A. Magnus in 1916. This is a 295 page book, containing 48619 words and 3 pictures. Search Inside is enabled for this title.

Format: PDF
Size: 14.6 MB

A Concise Grammar of the Russian Language [Leonard A. Magnus]

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Russian for Foreigners